Everybody Listened to the Radio: Primorye Radio Broadcasting During the Great Patriotic War

  • Khisamutdinova N.V.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


The article informs about the development of radio engineering and radiobroadcasting in Primorskii region during the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945) when these functions were performed by the Primorye regional Radio Committee and subordinate the Ussuriisk oblast radio committee and 12 district radio editorial offices. During this period, in contrast to the initial stage of radiobroadcasting, all organizational and economic issues were completely under the state control. The USSR government followed the policy of developing a wired radio, which made it possible to control completely transmitting of a radio signal and receiving it by people. The author reveals facts about leading principles of broadcasting organization, data on level of radio installation in cities and villages in Primorye in the 1940s, schedule and themes of Primorsii Radio broadcasting. The conclusion is made about the great informational, political and cultural role of radiobroadcasting during the war period. The article is based on archival materials and memoirs of the participants of the described process.

Keywords: radioengineering, radiobroadcasting, the Great Patriotic War, Primorye Radio Committee, wired radios.